Riki Cevallos

I am committed to help accelerate the Awakening through Knowledge and Community action

Author, Traveler to
Unique places

Hi, I am Riki. The purpose all the work I do is to support the transformation of consciousness of the planet. Check out how I can show you things that might be useful for your own personal path.

The link Excursions will take you to the page with all the info about the excursions to sites of power I organize. I do small groups, and my area of operation is Ecuador, Northern Peru and Sierra Nevada in Colombia. These trips are for people who want to support community projects with positive impact while they travel. 

Travel Guide refers to my Guide to amazing s`pots in Community-managed / Indigenous / Conservation tourism projects in rural Ecuador. Ecuador has many natural gems where great community projects operate. 

Travel can be a disturbing activity.
Or it can be a transformational tool.
Both for the traveler and the community.

You'll also find a link to Maya, the shaman and the infinite mind, my road trip novel, intense dialogues about scientific spirituality and all the adventure you'd expect in a road trip through sites of power in the Southern U.S. This novel is in Spanish. Working in the English version. 

Check out the section about Filosofia Perenne 5.0, a communication project I started in 2023 while I lived in Montañita. All videos are in Spanish for a Spanish-speaking audience. But I am looking for an AI that does a decent dubbing to upload some episodes here.

In the Vilcabamba Bioregion page you'l find information about a beautiful project I work in with Finca Sagrada. We are creating an autonomous bioregion in the VIlcabamba valley, with community policies to promote agroecological farming, renewable energies, integrative physical and mental health, bio entrepreneurships, water retention and treatment plants, community-managed tourism and sustainable construction.

Other projects I am involved

Nuevas Alternativas is a blog I do with a researcher friend who lives in Germany. They are analyisis on natural lifestyle and the permanent campaign of the military/industrial complex to keep people asleep through polluting their existences.

Finca Sagrada is the Ecovillage I reside in Vilcabamba. It is a Biodynamic farm, an ancient ceremonial space, and a point of light in the World. We do commuity projects with the neighbors, Also, workshops and ceremonies to honor Mother Earth and and all its beings. 

Agua Sagrada is an environmental project I started with some friends on the beaches of Ecuador. The objective is to find ways to remediate sewage water from the comunas before they reach the ocean.

Casa Latina is the Network of Ecovillages in Latin America. They work in several environmental, educational and cultural projects. Their workshops are quite inspiring, and their contribution to the World is to guide the return of humanhood to Nature. 

Gaia Union is a global network based in Colombia, that groups organizations and initiatives dedicated to the awakening of the planet's consciousness through community action and the deveolpment of Bioregional hubs for prosperity and abundance.

Do you want to know about my Excursions to projects with impact in amazing places?